The Importance of Hoovering

I’ve just hoovered the bedroom. And the girls’ rooms. And the stairs. It was critical that I did so.

Yesterday, I put some books we don’t need (which, lets be honest, could be almost any of them) in a box. I sealed the box, labeled it on all sides, and put it in a space in the attic (I did consider re-organising the attic at this point, taking stuff we don’t need to the dump and making it clear what is in the other boxes. But that can wait until tomorrow).

I then moved all the teaching books I had bought out from the patch in the kitchen they had been quite happily occupying, undisturbed, since I started the course, onto the space specially made on the bookshelves.

I was about to do the ironing, but, slightly disappointedly, I realised that I did that yesterday evening.

So, what is so important about getting the hoovering done? Are we looking to sell the house? Is the mother-in-law coming to inspect the troops? Have we just got a new hoover and I need to make sure it is working? Answer – none of the above, though I did try out some gadgets I found by opening up the hoover, not sure what they’re for but it’s possible that they are props from a 70’s Dr Who episode.

No, the reason is that, the closer I get to needing to finish an assignment, the more critical the hoovering becomes. If you don’t empathise with me, then I’m afraid that I won’t be able to explain (though I’m not sure I should give up so easily, what with me looking to be a teacher and all). It’s a cosmic thing. I was actually looking for a lesson intro on the subject of spirituality the other day, maybe I can link it to the importance of hoovering.

But this discourse, whilst essentially spiritual in nature, does have some practicality. If you need your other half to do something, wait until they have an essay/assignment to do, and then ask them for it. As I’ve said, this is a mystical time, the normal rules of the universe are suspended, and they will be on their knees thanking you for pointing out that there are a couple of leaves in the gutter and if you really need something to do you could drag your sorry arse up there and get them.

This really only applies to domestic situations. If there is something slightly out of the ordinary you want your other half to do of a more personal nature, I’m not sure its going to cut it. But, hey, it’s worth a shot.

Of course, it could be argued that writing this blog is perhaps of less importance than my assignment. And you’re probably right. But in 20 odd minutes I need to start on tea, so there’s no point in looking at the assignment now. Then I will need to give the kids a bath, then eat tea, then get them to bed.

After that, I guess I could start my assignment. But I’m more tempted to give it to my other half to do, and see if I can think of a few things she could do if she wants to put that off.

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